IBT新制托福 怎麼突破口說跟寫作?
如題 我好傷腦筋喔 希望有臨場經驗的朋友能告訴我新制托福的心得 再來 我真的不知道要怎麼提升口說的反應跟思考模式 最難的莫過於寫作 因為必須言之有理 言之有物 但是我似乎對整合能力方面 很難消化 整理成文字 我希望有能來救救我 在不補習的情況下 要怎麼提升呢? please help me~
我想,口說的部份就是儘可能多接觸各種題型,自己試著回答,最好有計時,才能一直習慣那種考試的氣氛.我都會去聽解答看別人怎麼回答,多聽幾次,這樣下次碰到差不多的題目,會比較知道要講什麼.聽完題目後abc互動英語趕快作筆記或寫下幾個重點,到時回答時就看著筆記來回答,比較不會一緊張就頭腦一片空白. 口說的第一及第二題要記得每題要有講二個理由來支持你的論點,然後每一題要在時間快到時作個簡單的ending. 寫作的話,獨立寫作你知道可以背一些不管題目是什麼都可以用的版模句子嗎?這些句子至少就可以佔了大概100字以上,然後再按照題目來分析,要注意充分表達你的立場,不可模稜兩可或語意不清,也要注意文法時態要用正確. 整合寫作因為不能加自己的話,所以就只能加強聽力,多記筆記,然後找出和閱讀的文章中一樣或不同之處(看題目要你寫哪種),寫成一篇文章,要記得有條理地列出重點. 不管如何,一定要穩住自己的情緒,就能發揮實力,加油!
well, to the best of my knowledgy, it's really hard for taiwanese students to have a nice grade on IBT TOEFL ! u must know that due to our students are too good on their tests, the US find out they can't live there coz they can't use the language properly!they know how to have a test, but they don't know how to use it! That's why the institution finally decided to add speaking and writing as part of the test!Therefore, you'd better find a good teacher to help you! TOEFL is basically copy what the universities in US have taught them, and make them some difficult questions, so, as you can see, the question is mostly about animal, environment, society, and so on..i just want to help u with what u need, but it's just quiet difficult to do that without a teacher! if u have interesting, u can call 0422234898, we are 歐美留學語言中心, and we can absolutely give u what u want and improve your english! plz don't worry about the money, our price are always favorable to our students!